Little Ripple in a Big Pond

This year has forced a change of pace upon a lot of folks, myself included. At the beginning of the pandemic, when the majority of the country were forced into a furlough or working from home, I had big plans of getting myself in shape and planning my debut book launch. I am still committed to having a healthier lifestyle and I’ve had to more or less scrap my plans of a book launch. I will have some sort of virtual launch, but it certainly is not what I had originally planned. Throughout this entire pandemic, the one thing that has been constant for me, is reading books.

My sister asked me the other day how many books have I read this year and I counted … and the number was twenty-two. It is hard to believe that I have read that many books in a nine month span, but reading has been the absolute constant for me. Recently, someone asked me what was my favorite book to read as a child and as I was stumped. I thought for a long time and could not believe that I wasn’t able to come up with a single book that I enjoyed as a child. Finally it dawned on me, that although I have always loved to read, the reason that I didn’t have a favorite childhood book was because, we didn’t have any books in my home when I was growing up.

Books were a luxury item that a lot of poor minority families, like mine, were not able to afford. I do remember having a public library card and going to the library all of the time once I was in high school. I was grown and married before I purchased my first book to read for pleasure.

When my children were born, I made sure to read to them while they were still in my womb and made sure that we they had a huge selection of books to read while they were growing up. To this day, I love to read and so do both of my daughters. Before this year, I have never read twenty-two books in one year and I am certain that I’ve never read close to that many books before. I am grateful that books are not considered a luxury in my home.

I am planning on donating a few of my books to a library in an underserved area, because books and reading should never be considered to be a luxury. If you want to donate one of my books or some other book to a library or organization that serves the underserved in your area, please let me know. I want to know what book you donate and where you donate. Let’s be the difference for some amazing young person, by simply donating a book. Let’s be the little ripple in a big pond . 💕😊📚

1 Comment

  1. Wow! Hard to imagine not having books in the home! I’m glad you are able to enjoy them now as you please, and are writing for the next generation of kids. 🙂

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